Image Splitter

Cut image into small pieces for Instagram post, TikTok video cover and e-commerce product detail page use.


Image Splitter

* Chose 1 image, JPG, WebP, PNG, max 50MB

Cut image into pieces according to columns and rows, one-click download, very useful for Instagram post, TikTok video cover and e-commerce product detail page.

Split image according to columns and rows;

One-click process and download;

All images are processed locally, keep your data safe.

FAQs about docsmall Image Splitter

Is this image split tool free to use?

Yes, you can always use docsmall's image split tool for free without any limits.

What image formats are supported?

You can split JPG, PNG and WebP images. The splitted images are in the same format with original image.

Is there any risk of data leakage by using this online image splitter tool?

Don't worry about this problem at all, our image splitter tool adopts browser-side processing technology, your images don't need to be uploaded to the cloud server, you can finish the image split locally.